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Throw Legacy - Part I - Continuous Testing With Java

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This is my first blog post and I decide to write in English because writing is a good way to learning and I’d like to improve my English, so post a comment if you see some grammar errors. 8)

JRuby has helped me a lot bringing Ruby test “culture” into Java with RSpec. In this series of blog posts I will show how I’m doing tests with Java legacy code. I will try cover topics including testing dao, service, controller and view layers. In this part, we’re going to set up our development environment, write a RSpec example and implement with Java through JRuby. We’ll also get continuous testing running with infinity test gem.

The first thing we need is install rvm (Ruby Version Manager), JRuby and Ruby Gems.

bash << ( curl http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-install-head )

http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/rvm/install/ for more info.

Install JRuby:

rvm install jruby

Set rvm to use JRuby:

rvm use jruby

Install RSpec:

gem install rspec

Once you have finish installation let’s start code with a example that expresses a form of payment orders available in Brazil called Boleto.

Create the initial project structure like this:


Open up spec/boleto_spec.rb and make it look like this:

require "date"
require "java"
java_import "com.legacy.Boleto"

describe Boleto do
  it "calculates due days" do
    boleto = Boleto.new
    boleto.due_date = java.util.Date.new(Date.parse("2011-01-15").ctime)
    boleto.payment_date = java.util.Date.new(Date.parse("2011-01-25").ctime)
    boleto.due_days.should == 10

Let’s run the example and watch it fail.

jruby -J-cp build -S rspec spec/boleto_spec.rb

NameError: cannot load Java class com.legacy.Boleto

Now write just enough code to make it pass on src/com/legacy/Boleto.java like this:

package com.legacy;
import java.util.Date;
public class Boleto {
  private Date dueDate;
  private Date paymentDate;

  public Date getDueDate() { return this.dueDate; }
  public void setDueDate(Date dueDate) { this.dueDate = dueDate; }
  public Date getPaymentDate() { return this.paymentDate; }
  public void setPaymentDate(Date paymentDate) { this.paymentDate = paymentDate; }
  public Integer getDueDays() { return 10; }

Also we need to compile the java class.

javac -d build/ src/com/legacy/Boleto.java

Instead of run the example by manual command again, let’s install a continuous testing gem:

wget --no-check-certificate\
 -O infinity_test.tar.gz
tar -zxvf infinity_test.tar.gz
cd tomas-stefano-infinity_test-{version}
gem build infinity_test.gemspec
gem install infinity_test-1.0.2.gem

What we have done here is install infinity_test gem that contains a path to pass arguments to specific versions of Ruby.

Let’s run the example with continuous testing gem:

infinity_test --rspec --rubies=jruby+"-J-cp build"

Now we can write a test for code on spec/boleto_spec.rb and Infinity Test automatic runs the test. Also we can create a .infinity_test file, like this:

infinity_test do
  use :rubies => %w(jruby),
    :specific_options => {'jruby' => '-J-cp build'},
    :test_framework => :rspec
  notifications :lib_notify   # for linux / growl for mac

And run:


infinity_test jruby https://github.com/tomas-stefano/infinity_test/wiki/Customize-Infinity-Test for more info.

However, we have to compile the java classes when they change. The solution we came up with is to use editors like eclipse or eclim. This kind of editor auto-recompile Java files whenever they change.

Last notes
