Um amigo escreveu isso há algum tempo e tive a oportunidade de reler hoje.
Sometimes things go wrong: hardware is not acting as expected, the API you rely on is not reliable, some vital information is missing. But you don’t care, as you are a hero, a tough Charles Bronson-like guy that will accomplish the mission no matter what.
Another project is saved? Maybe. But someone made a very stupid choice and will pay for it. And I’m talking about you, Bruce Lee.
In six months nobody will remember the adversities you’ve been through. The sleepless nights. The weird bugs. The managers on you back, asking for status reports every five minutes. But something will linger: your name in the source code. It will be there in the SCM, ready to prove that you are a lousy coder and committed buggy/ugly code.
So, next time you find yourself in this kind of situation, take a deep breath and raise the red flag. Share the problem. It’s not fair to chain yourself to something bad just to show that you are tough.
Eu deveria ter levado esse texto impresso para a Venezuela.
Update em 02/05: Igor Musardo repostou esse post, e adicionou um excelente vídeo da palestra do DHH na Rails Conf 2009. Recomendo que assistam.